Thursday, November 11, 2010

my best teacher ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i lke my tcher very mch!!!!!!!!!!

Her nme is mdm pvthra.She is a kind-hearted wmen....
she has been my tcher for 2 years......
this year,on children's day she let my class play our favourite tournament,that is BADMINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then after we had played badminton tiredly,mdm pavi gave us a treat to mc'donalds!!!!!!!
wasn't that great?????
i would like thank mdm for doing all this things to us....
hope next year,when u r awy frm skool,wish u happiness all the time.............

love regards,
maisarah 4C

TO:my best teacher,

mdm pavithra

my sad friend...................

It happened today........
it was still mother tougue lesson............
out of a sudden nurul ain and nurul hudha were playing scrathing arm together......
as it was nurul
ain's turn to scratch,then hudha went to scratch ain's arm..........
after hudha has scratch ain's arm,i don't know what happened to them.
but hudha told me that ain asked her to even scratch more harder,that's wat i belived.....
after a while she cried.....then i realised that hudha has scractch her badly.....
before we were going to go home,i said to ain to go to the toilet and wash her face......but she didn't talk to me but just nodded her head till she went to gate d.....she just kept quiet....
on the way i went back home....i felt sorry for her....i hope her parents doesn't get too angry with her......

my best friend :)

Hey there!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanted to share with u that i think i had 3 very best friends......and that is nurul ain,nurulhudha and nur'ain!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish that all my very best friend that i just mention just now,will be the same class as me......

To all my good friends n classmates in this 2010,wish u all a happy memorable day and won't forget our friendship that we had,and also thanks to our best teacher that are leaving us very soon this year!!!!!!!!!!!



Thursday, August 19, 2010

My holiday

Hi long never go to my blog.I am very sad,coze my best friend,huda had a chickenpox....after she had an leg operation,then she had chickenpox..i felt pity on her and hope that god takes care for her so that she will come to school.everyone is counting on u to get well soon.....see ya...:)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

tomorrow is my mother's birthday

Hi guys!Do you know that tomorrow on 15 thursday 2010 is my mother's birthday!i so glad that tomorrow is my mother's birthday!but now,i and my younger sister are making a present,but i asked my father that he creat a present or not,then my father said he didn't do for my mother.then i felt to sad about it but never mind,at least i and my sister make a present!thats all!thank you!bye2!

Friday, April 2, 2010

happy holidays!

Hi guys!Once again,nice to meet you!today i'm going to tell about good friday!hey,have you been to any place?i have been to my mothers big sister in laws.i took pity on them because my mothers big sister have five children and live with my grandfather.i was worried about their food and drinks.i hope their family will be a happy ending.thank you!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone welcome to term 2 of week 6.Do you remember last tuesday,mdm pavitra call out Danish,Joshua,John and miel to sing the matter song?Wasn't it very funny because the shy to sing?
To me,it was very funny because they pretend don't know how to sing the matter song.But now, i have know how to sing a little bit.But thats okay right?but now,it is the end of my feelings!bye2!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

sorry to my friends!!!

Hi everyone!I am very sorry for not comment anything to you guys!Hope you guys had forgiven me!Thanks!:)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!Today is my last day of CCP of term 1!I hope everyone of you are happy and great feeling!thanks!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chess (Flash Version) - The most challenging game of all. Play »

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The chinese new year celebrations

Hai guys! Last friday is our chinese new year celebration!The whole people are wearing our own tradisional clothes!Hey did you guys know that in the last part there were two lion dance! I got suprised!but i felt happy too!thanks!:)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My fist day create a blog

Hai everyone!today is my very first day of CCP of making a new blog!i hope that all of you will like your own blog!