Wednesday, April 14, 2010

tomorrow is my mother's birthday

Hi guys!Do you know that tomorrow on 15 thursday 2010 is my mother's birthday!i so glad that tomorrow is my mother's birthday!but now,i and my younger sister are making a present,but i asked my father that he creat a present or not,then my father said he didn't do for my mother.then i felt to sad about it but never mind,at least i and my sister make a present!thats all!thank you!bye2!

Friday, April 2, 2010

happy holidays!

Hi guys!Once again,nice to meet you!today i'm going to tell about good friday!hey,have you been to any place?i have been to my mothers big sister in laws.i took pity on them because my mothers big sister have five children and live with my grandfather.i was worried about their food and drinks.i hope their family will be a happy ending.thank you!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone welcome to term 2 of week 6.Do you remember last tuesday,mdm pavitra call out Danish,Joshua,John and miel to sing the matter song?Wasn't it very funny because the shy to sing?
To me,it was very funny because they pretend don't know how to sing the matter song.But now, i have know how to sing a little bit.But thats okay right?but now,it is the end of my feelings!bye2!